One of the big questions that kept coming up during the first project was whether we would be running on the border next. We kind of laughed and joked that maybe someday, but realistically the logistics of making that happen ourselves was impossible. However, about 6 weeks after the film 100 miles to Build a Bridge launched, we got an invite from The North Face to partner up with Mario’s USA teammate Zach Miller and run a section on the USA Mexico Border.
What was neat about this opportunity to be a part of the ‘Invisible Wall’ run, was that we would get to see some of the key places like Big Bend National Park and St. Elena Canyon, and spend time on the emigrant trail as well. Next the run would take us to the Tohono O’dom Nation in Arizona, a community that has lived smack in the middle of the USA Mexico Border crisis.
The run would finish right on the coast in Tihuana, Mexico, a place that Mario and his family have crossed and visited many times during their trips back to Mexico. Mario was born in San Clemente, Ca, just north of that border. Here is the film created by The North Face and Vice:
In the end Zach Miller was not able to do much of the run because of an injury. But Mario gained two teammates in Mike Wolfe and Mauricio Carvajal. Two amazing runners, but even more amazing human beings. We got to meet some really amazing people during the run that we were truly inspired by. One key figure that stands out is Anthony Francisco who does amazing work for the Tohono O’odham Nation and the runners there.